Dear Advocates --
Please call your Massachusetts state representative TODAY and request their
support of H.3471
The +EDCoalition1 , along with +National Eating Disorders Association , STRIPED (The Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders,) and MEDA (Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association) and countless MA advocates need your help TODAY:
Massachusetts H. 3471 is important legislation that will ban the sale of dietary supplements for weight loss and muscle building to minors and require retail stores to move these supplements behind the counter. H. 3471 is scheduled for a hearing in the Massachusetts Committee on Public Health this Thursday, September 17th. There are many drug companies advocating against this bill --we need YOUR voice to help ensure this bill's success.
+NEDA Staff designed this awesome Action Alert for you to make your calls today:
Please CALL NOW to voice your support!
Please Click here to find contact information for your district’s Representative and ask him or her to SUPPORT on H.3471 today! If your Representative is not in the office, simply leave a message with the office staff, explaining that support for this legislation is absolutely crucial. Every call counts! Your voice can help protect Massachusetts’ youth!
Further from NEDA: Did you know that no dietary supplements used for weight loss and muscle building are pre-screened by the FDA for safety? These products are unsafe and have even been linked to testicular cancer, stroke, and severe liver injury. Teens, especially those who struggle with eating disorders and body image, are most susceptible to the false claims of dietary supplements, putting them at high risk for bodily harm. YOU can help put a stop to this!
The EDC is humbled to have been asked by Harvard's STRIPED faculty and EDC Board Member, Bryn Austin, Sc.D., to write the first draft of H.3471. Dr. Austin's research helped pave the way for this bill. Thank you for allowing us to have a small part in this with you, MEDA, NEDA and all the MA advocates who are working to make this bill a law.
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