Monday, August 10, 2015

Is This Your Member of Congress?

Dear EDC Advocates,

If any of these folks listed below are your Members of Congress and if you want to help with a special project related to the Anna Westin Act (it won't take much time), please contact Kathleen MacDonald at:
THANK YOU so very much, ~ The EDC

(PS: to find out who your Members of Congress are, please go to:

  • and enter your zipcode in the box at the top right hand corner of the webpage.
  • and use the drop-down arrow in the top right hand corner of the webpage to find your Senators listed by state.

Rep Paulsen    MN
Rep Bilirukus    FL
Rep Holding    NC
Rep Emmer    MN
Rep Cochran    MS
Rep Castor    FL
Rep Jenkins    WV
Rep Rouzer    NC
Rep Walker    NC
Rep Kelly            PA
Rep Butterfield NC
Rep Ellmers     NC
Rep Matsui     CA
Rep Blum            IA
Rep Buchanan FL
Rep Meehan    PA
Rep Price    GA
Rep Mooney    WV
Rep Kline           MN

Sen Toomey    PA
Sen Gardner    CO
Sen McCaskill    MO
Sen Murray    WA
Sen Boxer    CA
Sen Stabenow    MI

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