EDC asks you to use your voice to make sure eating disorders get included in insurance coverage
If you haven't already: Please submit your comments today!
Deadline has been extended to November 30th
A key component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the requirement that all insurance plans offered through the exchanges must cover, at a minimum, a number of Essential Health Benefits. Mental health is one of these Essential Health Benefits (EHB) that must be included.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is tasked with promulgating regulations for how the EHB will be designed and implemented. The EDC is asking HHS to incorporate three recommendations into the EHB: 1) eating disorders should be specifically listed in the EHB, 2) all levels of treatment including residential treatment, as recommended by the APA Guidelines, should be part of the EHB, and 3) the definition of medical necessity should be broad and inclusive so that insurers cannot assign medical necessity at random.
Please add your voice by sending comments to HHS ) you urge them to support these above 3 recommendations and 2) some of your personal experience that underscores why these recommendations are important. For example: maybe you personally benefited from successful residential and/or other treatment ---include that in your comments. If you were denied residential and/or other treatment ---include that, and the consequences of being denied, in your comments. And include anything else about your experience or expertise that underscores the need for these 3 recommendations. We know that personal stories matter to HHS.In response to the Department’s stated questions:In terms of how to best balance comprehensiveness of included in essential health benefits and affordability; we believe that:o Ensuring access to comprehensive specialized eating disorder care, across all levels of care including outpatient, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, residential, and inpatient, will allow individuals to access adequate, effective, evidence-based care in specialized settings, and decrease their need to access less specialized, less effective, more emergent medical and psychiatric care. Decreasing use of high-cost emergent and/or on-going use of inadequate care will balance comprehensiveness and affordability. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric illness. Including comprehensive eating disorders treatment in EHB will safe lives.In terms of how the Department might ensure that essential health benefits reflect an appropriate balance among categories; it is important for the Department to know that:· Eating disorders affect up to 25 million Americans, across all age, gender, SES, and ethnicity groups. Ensuring access to treatment will have an appropriate balance across the population of sufferers, many who, without adequate access to specialty care would unduly access inappropriate, inadequate, but costly, care.In terms of what should be taken into account to prevent discrimination against individuals because of their age, disability status, or expected length of life; it is important to remember that:o Eating disorders do not discriminate. Eating disorders affect up to 25 million Americans, from as young as age 8 through the lifespan. Without adequate access to effective, specialized care, many end up seeking disability coverage due to their illness.In terms of what models HHS should consider in developing essential health benefits; there are some good model policies in effect currently:o Insurance policies that include adequate and comprehensive access to specialized and comprehensive eating disorder care at all levels of treatment offer their members the opportunity for full recovery. Many insurers currently offer this type of coverage to their members. This type of treatment access is effective in successful treatment and resolution of the eating disorder. A fully recovered individual contributes to the workforce, is a productive and successful member of society.In terms of what criteria should be used to update essential health benefits over time; we believe that the combination of research and clinical practice expertise yield the most comprehensive road-map for determining updates :o As advances in eating disorders treatment are made, updates to essential health benefits should be related to clinical utility and integration of research findings.