Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Inspiring (and timely!) Conversation on Media and Girls Today

Today my boss Jeanine and I had the awesome privilege to participate in a conference
call with actress Geena Davis, Founder of the Geena Davis
Institute on Gender in
Media, and the former FCC Commissioner, Deborah
Taylor Tate. The call was to discuss
the launch of "Healthy MEdia:
Commission for Positive Images of Women and Girls" -
an initiative spearheaded by the Girl Scouts!
[How timely given that the night before
there was a pretty heated
discussion on my FB wall, and in other FB groups/blogs,
regarding the
"Truvia" commercial (which, trust me, I brought up on the call! :)]

When it came our turn to ask a question/make a statement, I let them know that the
EDC is in support of this initiative and asked if they planned to work with Federal
Policy as one of their avenues by supporting the Healthy Media for Youth Act, and
similar legislation. I was able to
acknowledge what the focus of the EDC
(including our Member Orgs and
Advocates) is on Capitol Hill with Federal Policy,
as well as how
supportive we are already of the Healthy Media for Youth Act.
Of course, Geena
Davis, being the savvy advocate she is, knew all about the Healthy
for Youth Act. Rock on and thank you, Geena!

For so many reasons, we look forward to working
with the amazing people and
organizations behind this initiative.
We believe that the initiative will help to
decrease the insidious body-dislike
that ravages the minds and bodies of millions of
our nations' youth. And
perhaps even better, we believe that the initiative will
help to increase the healthy
self-esteem of generations yet to come.

Yours from the Hill, ~Kathleen

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