Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Needed: 1000 Constituents to Write Congress

Dr. Jeanine Cogan, Policy Director for the Eating Disorders Coalition, writes:

Inspired by the great success of our 2010 lobby day this Spring, we launched a Letter Writing Campaign with the ambitious goal of having 1,000 constituents write their Members of Congress. The goal is simple: get your Representative and Senators to be a cosponsor of the Federal Response to Eliminate Eating Disorders bill, aka the FREED Act.

In order to reach that goal, we need your help! Here are a few simple steps:

  1. Write a letter to your Representative and Senators. It’s easy—just go to
  2. Tweet it: “Help us eliminate eating disorders by helping to pass the FREED Act! It’s simple; go to:” (107 characters)
  3. Post this as your Facebook status: “Help us eliminate eating disorders by helping to pass the FREED Act! It’s simple; go to:
  4. Encourage your Facebook friends to "share" your status!
  5. Post the message on walls of appropriate Facebook groups/fan pages!
  6. Send the link with a personal note to all your friends and colleagues in your email address book
  7. Ask those friends and colleagues to help spread the word
  8. Send the link to advocacy groups, lists, etc.
  9. Blog about our Letter Writing Campaign

Thank you for your support and dedication to helping us pass the FREED Act. Together we can make this happen—and save lives!

1 comment:

Meghan Ashley said...

this hasn't been passed? it will be a shame if this never gets passed. as a recovering anorexic, this has given me hope that recovery is possible