One way we do that week-to-week is by maintaining an awareness of, and connection to, opportunities on Capitol Hill that arise for us to directly influence policy (aside from the FREED Act) that stands to impact those affected by eating disorders. To that end, this week the EDC offered comments on SAMHSA's proposed definition of recovery (see below for more details). In offering comments on SAMHSA's proposed definition of recovery, the EDC called attention to the fact that in the world of substance abuse and mental health recovery, those with eating disorders exist, and they need to be included when defining "recovery", as well as when parceling out dollars and services related to "recovery".
We thank our Member Organizations, and all the individuals affected by eating disorders, who support the work that the EDC does on a week-to-week basis. Together we are a coalition of voices, experts and advocates, each of great spirit, making a concrete and viable difference in the way our elected officials and federal agencies recognize eating disorders.
yours from the Hill,
Kathleen MacDonald
Policy Assistant, Eating Disorders Coalition
SAMHSA Proposed Definition:
Recovery from mental health and substance abuse disorders is defined as "a process of change through which individuals work to improve their own health and well-being, live a self-directed life, and strive to achieve their full potential." SAMHSA also describes four dimensions of recovery (health, home, purpose, and community) and ten guiding principles that support recovery (recovery is person-driven; it occurs through many pathways; it is holistic; it is supported by peers and allies; it is supported through relationships and social networks; it is culturally-based and influenced; it is supported by addressing trauma; it involves individual, family, and community strengths and responsibility; it is based on respect; and it emerges from hope).